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Cómo tomar parte en mi wiki

Page history last edited by Anne Gruettner 15 years, 3 months ago

To participate in our wiki community, please follow these instructions.




  1. At the top right of the screen you will see the words Anonymous, Create an Account and Log In.
  2. Click on Log In. You will be taken to a new screen that will ask for your account information.

    Since you don't have any yet, click "Request Access."

  3. Fill in information on the screen: Your e-mail address and the password you want to use for the wiki. Use an e-mail address that you can access from our computer lab, eg. gmail, hotmail, yahoo or other web-based account.
  4. Click Send.


Wait two minutes so that I can approve your request.

Consider: Why should the teacher need to approve requests to join our class wiki?





  1. Open your e-mail account and find the letter saying that your request has been approved. 
  2. Click on the link in your e-mail.





  1. The link should take you to mypbworks.com.

  2. You need to fill in information for your pbworks account.
  3. Under the Home tab: 

    You should see this wiki name (tbycomputers.pbworks.com).

    Under e-mail preferences, click "Never" or you'll be bombarded with e-mails.

    Click submit if you make changes.

  4. Under the Profile tab:

    Enter your Name as it will appear on your comments.

    This should be your first name with last initial. Never use your full name.

    You can also use a pseudoym (fake name). I will be giving credit for your work so I need to know who you are.

    Uncheck the box that says "Let registered users see my email address" so your e-mail stays private.

    Please do NOT fill in any of the MSN, ICQ or other boxes.

    You may pick one of the profile pictures to use.

    If you know how, upload your own profile pic, as long as it is not the real you!

    When there's some free time you can try http://simpsonizeme.com/ if you already have a picture.

    Once you are done, click SAVE.
  5. Under the  Email tab:

    You can change your password.

  6. DONE? Click on the Home Tab, then on the wiki name.




  1. You are back at the www.tbycomputers.pbwiki.com. 
  2. Log In with your new Username and Password.
  3. That's it, folks. You can now participate in the wiki.
  4. NOTE: Please feel free to tell your parents to request access.

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